OGRIP Data Downloads
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County/City/Zip Coordinates

Click on a county, links to data will appear in the tabs below.

Zoom in to see the tiles, click them to see links to tile data.






Click the Select tool to select more than one tile. Drag your mouse to draw a rectangle across tiles on the map. Click the Clear Selection button to clear all selected tiles.

OSIP Imagery
Enhanced OSIP Tile Availability
OSIP III Product Legend
6IN GeoTIFF (standard) Tiles
6IN GeoTIFF 4-Band Tiles
1FT GeoTIFF 4-Band Tiles
3IN GeoTIFF 4-Band Tiles
1 - 1.5IN GeoTIFF 4-Band Tiles
County Mosaics
The State of Ohio’s imagery data are available for public use at the user’s own risk and provided for informational purposes only. The State of Ohio provides these imagery data “as is” and does not warrant or guarantee that these data are complete, accurate or error free. The State of Ohio disclaims any warranties regarding these imagery data and assumes no liability for the use of or reliance on these imagery data.
The OSIP program provides state and local government entities with an opportunity to purchase enhanced products including imagery and elevation data. OSIP data available on this tab represent 6IN imagery and 1M LiDAR files obtained through the OSIP Cooperative Purchase Agreement.
The 3DEP data is availailable in Tiles only, please zoom into the map to choose tiles you want to download.
Click on a County to download LBRS data for Ohio
This download tool provides access to county-wide OSIP and LBRS datasets as well as individual tiles of OSIP Elevation and high-resolution Imagery data.
With this tool you can click on any county to see download links in the OSIP I, OSIP II, and LBRS tabs. Interactively zoom to an area of interest. OSIP imagery will appear at larger scales. Zoom in further and tiles will appear. Click on a tile to see the available downloads. To select multiple tiles, click on the Select tool . Click on the Clear Selection tool to clear all selected tiles. Click on the Pan tool to pan the map.
To learn more about OSIP, click here.    To learn more about LBRS, click here.
For questions or problems with the website please email us at gis.support@das.ohio.gov