OhioGIS Map Gallery
Student Entry Form
Wednesday, September 14, 2022
at 12:00 Midnight
This Entry Form is for the Ohio GIS Student Map Gallery. Please use these links if you want to submit a map for the Cartographic Map Gallery or the Interactive Map Gallery.
Title of map(s):
Number of maps in the series: Map Dimensions: Height: Width:
Under which category should your map (or series of maps) be judged? Select ONE.
Displays the location of a geographic feature(s) or jurisdiction(s)
(County Highway map, trails map, utilities map, natural resources, etc.)
Communicates data that is not inherently geographic (displaying data) or Exhibits problem solving, analyzing data or shows a trend (interpreting data)
(Income, population density, municipal zoning, traffic accidents or future plans, comparisons, survey results, study results, etc.)
Each participant will be limited to one map entry (please see Rules and Guidelines for exact details).
Submitted by:
Educational Institution:
Office Phone:
Mobile Phone (Required):
E-mail Address(es):
Participant and/or
Award Certificate
should read:
Map File (PDF):
Include Educational Institution Name on Certificate
I give permission to post my map image on the OGRIP website.
I have read and understand the Rules & Guidelines
All maps to be hung by entrants. I understand that I must hang
my map by 10:00 AM on Wednesday, September 21st to be
eligible for the Map Gallery.

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